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First Presidential Debate 2020 Transcript

Unveiling the Full Transcript: The First 2020 Presidential Debate

Transcript Highlights

The First Presidential Debate of 2020

Welcome to the first presidential debate of 2020, featuring incumbent Republican President Donald Trump and Democratic nominee Joe Biden. Moderated by Chris Wallace of Fox News, the candidates fiercely debated a wide range of topics.

A Compelling Encounter

The debate was marked by intense exchanges and interruptions as the candidates presented their contrasting views. Biden raised concerns about Trump's handling of the COVID-19 pandemic, while Trump attacked Biden's past record and mental acuity.

Unfiltered Perspectives

This full transcript provides an unfiltered account of the candidates' statements, allowing readers to witness their positions, strategies, and rhetorical skills. It offers insights into the key issues shaping the election and the perspectives of the two candidates vying for the presidency.
